Saturday, November 2, 2013

A New Book Club

This last week I resigned from my book club - the one that I started 27 years ago.  Now that I will be on Lopez Island full time, it really is time to move on.  But joining a book club is a very personal thing, and obviously important to me.  I'm mourning the change a bit, and honestly a bit unsettled about finding a new "home" with other readers.  But island life MUST lend itself to reading and reading groups.

So in another two weeks or so, I'll start the search for a group in earnest.  Meanwhile, of course, I'll just keep reading!  I usually have four books going at one time:  one fiction, one non-fiction,  one audio book (for driving, working in the studio, or traveling), and one spiritual.  My current selections:

Audio:  Until Proven Guilty, by J.A. Jance (an older one that I had missed in this great series - and just finishing up); next will be: Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell (absolutely amazing reviews, and also evidently a movie)
Fiction:  Lord John and the Private Matter, by Diana Gabaldon (loved the Outlander series, so trying this new one)
Non-fiction:  The End of Your Life Book Club, by Will Schwalbe
Spiritual:  Lighting the Western Sky - The Hearst Pilgrimage and the Establishment of the Baha'i Faith in the West, by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson

But I need a book group to encourage me to get out of my comfort zone and read something I wouldn't read otherwise.  I may not necessarily like the book (which makes for better discussions, I've found), but then again, I just may find a new author that I love.

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