Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Do What Makes You Come Alive

This inspiring video is about 11 minutes long, but oh so well worth watching

Dr. John Kitchin was a successful neurologist. However, he felt as if his life was a rat race – trapped in a routine that didn’t make him happy. There was emptiness inside. Dr. Kitchin abandoned his career and all of his trappings of material success, including a Ferrari, an exotic animal farm and a huge mansion high in the hills. Now, he skates all day, every day, in slow motion, at Pacific Beach. People know him as SLOMO. The child inside him is very happy: “The people that love SLOMO are cheering for one person that got away, that escaped, and got to real freedom where he skates all day, doesn’t apologize – he’s simply doing what he wants to…”

Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

- Howard Thurman -

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