Friday, November 6, 2020

First Things First - Learning to Zoom

 To survive during Covid19, the first thing that so very many of us needed to learn was how to Zoom. Determining if I need an account, setting up meetings, sending our invitations, what level of security do I really need, how long can I actually function effectively at one time, how much recovery time do I need between meetings, and one of my biggies:  when to say no to 'just' another meeting.

And then of course there is a whole new level of meeting etiquette to master.  It simply doesn't work to try and talk over someone or interrupt.  Please oh please mute yourself if you are in a larger group, or you have some noise, no matter how small, in your background.  It's amazing what these microphones pick up, isn't it??  The buttons are there for a reason to stop your video if you (or your child, cat, dog, husband) will be distracting.

Sharing screens, using breakout rooms, utilizing chat rooms, learning to raise your hand may be easier to use for some. The older we get, the more challenging some of these things are.  Hey, we remember having to use rotary phones and actually write and mail a letter.

It's a whole new world of communicating, but for some of us that truly need to stay at home, it's essential for our sanity.  Without Zoom (or WhatsApp or Facetime) I'd be totally cut off from the world. No, it's not the same as going out for tea with friends, but we do try to Zoom an occasional tea party together, where we dress up a bit, put on some jewelry (maybe even some perfume), and chat.  Craft meetings, organizations, friends, family....yes, I know, some of your are working from home as well.  But I can't really address that latter one - I am retired, after all.   So virtual meetings aren't just for the working folks.  Retired artists need it, too!

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