Saturday, October 31, 2020

Recipe for Recentering

 Preparation: Gather a move, resettling, and remodeling, a pandemic, political unrest, isolation, financial volatility, limited contact with friends and family.

Mix: A new neighborhood, learning to communicate via  Zoom, wearing masks and social distancing.

Bake (process, evaluate): For seven months.

Result:  A need to reevaluate, recenter, learn how to replenish emotional reserves.

Frosting/garnish: New crafts, mediums, creativity, and ideas.

When someone asks what I've been doing during these unusual times. I simply say: lace.  It's been a wonderful, homey, pleasing and relaxing way to learn and develop as an artist, as well as provide connections with other lace-makers.  While I'm getting back to basket weaving now, and taking on a few other artistic avenues, my lace-making will definitely continue.

My hope is that my posts will inspire you to try something different, find your calming center, or simply entertain.  So for today, right here and right now, I'll share some lace.  I started two Zoom meetings, one for tatting, one for crochet.  Chatting, learning new techniques, challenging each other, inspiring one get the idea.

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