Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Streams of Income

It's amazing what happens when you put out to the Universe that you need some additional streams of income.  Immediately three additional sources appeared:  helping to weave (and getting paid for) a form for a bronze statue in Seattle, repairing an antique wicker chair, and an order for another commissioned work. 

When I worked with a life coach a few years ago, I learned that I didn't need to put all of my eggs into one basket.  Having multiple streams of income was much more fun and engaging.  Since I retired from credit management, I've added a wonderful variety of income sources to my repertoire:  teaching credit classes, selling my artwork, becoming a certified mortgage signing agent, teaching basketry classes, selling basketry materials and tools, caning chairs, bookkeeping, organizational management....the list goes on.  And of course - I now receive social security.

Variety truly is the spice of life!

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