Friday, April 24, 2015

Letting Go

The following post by Courtney Carver is marvelously serendipitous for me personally, so I need to share it.  Even if you are right on top of your spring cleaning (please don't tell me if you are.), letting go of a bad self-image, resentment, or perfection may also be a part of our cleaning up.  I'm printing this article and keeping it handy by my bedside as a daily reminder.

Posted: 21 Apr 2015 09:33 AM PDT
If you want to be light, you have to let go.
Every thing you hold on to gets heavy after a while. Imagine what it would feel like to carry your stuff around all day. From the stuff you store just in case, and the clutter in your home to harsh words from a loved one, or a regret from the past. Your stuff is heavy and even though you might not actually be carrying around your clutter, in some ways you are.
We each carry our own heavy things like worry, fear, pain, and bad habits, but we all share the burden. It’s not just you who suffers from the weight you carry through the world. It impacts your work, relationships, health and everyone around you.
Even though letting go can feel scary, and uncertain, it also feels light. You can feel the lightness immediately and other people will recognize it too. They will sense that there is something different about you; something attractive and warm. It’s hard to ignore when someone is light.

Be light.

When you let go of physical objects, your home feels light.
Start with the easy stuff like duplicates, things you don’t use or enjoy and the stuff that has no purpose in your life or your home. Box it up, set it aside, and notice the light in your home.
When you let go of the just in case items, your suitcase feels light.
Packing lightly is a great practice for living lightly. On your next trip, pack for 1/2 the time you are traveling. Leave the just in case items at home and notice the light when you are walking through the airport, unpacking at the hotel, and exploring a new city.
When you let go of what you don’t like about yourself, your body feels light.
Maybe you aren’t at your ideal weight, or you don’t love the wrinkles, extra softness, or something else about your body. I think most of us carry some sort of that negative self talk around, and it’s heavy.
Look in the mirror and smile. Really see yourself and the body that has been through so much with you. Read about how one woman learned to live in her body for inspiration and figure out what works best for you. Let go and feel the light in your body.
When you let go of anger or resentment from the past, your heart feels light.
Letting go doesn’t require fixing things, or setting the record straight. You can just decide that you are going to stop punishing yourself. If you need a ceremony, write it down and burn or tear it up. Say goodbye to the hurt you cannot resolve and notice the light in your heart.
When you let go of fear of the future, your soul feels light.
The path ahead is uncertain and that’s never going to change. Release your fear of how things will unfold by getting rooted in the present. Do your best to show up today, and you will be better equipped to handle your tomorrows with grace and ease.
Take a deep breath, let go of fear about what might happen, and notice the light in your soul.
When you let go of items on your to-do list, your mind feels light.
Maybe you can do it all, but you can’t do it all today. Let go of the long lists and focus on a short one with a handful of items that you can accomplish in one day. You have to choose between crossing things off your list, or living with clarity about what’s most important to you. At the end of the day, once you’ve let go of all the things that need to be done, notice the light in your mind.
When you let go of perfection, everything feels light.
The opposite of perfection is freedom, so when you let it go, your work, health, and relationships rise from that freedom and lightness. Let there be typos and failures in your work. Let there be disagreements with people you love. Let there be lazy afternoons of movie marathons and potato chips. Give yourself permission to be a work in progress and feel the light in everything.
When you let go of the need to be right, your relationships feel light.
When did being right and fixing things replace true love in your relationship? Let go of being right and focus on what makes you smile. Give your friend/lover/partner a big hug, remember what you love about the two of you together and notice the light in your relationship.
Letting go of things for a clean countertop or closet might not be enough to sustain a life with less, but light is everything. As my friend KC says, “Give yourself permission to glow in the dark.” Let go to be light.
When you are overwhelmed, tired or stressed, the solution is almost always … less. Get rid of something. Lots of somethings. Let go.

If you want to be light, you have to let go.

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