Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Clean Studio Space

A friend of mine always said that she invites guests over so she'll have to clean her house.  Well, it's not the reason I have guests, but it certainly is a perk.  And since I happen to live in my island studio, that means that the entire studio gets straightened and cleaned!  (Not for me the cleaning advice columns of just cleaning the main spaces where they guests will my case that still means the entire house!)

But in putting things away yesterday and reclaiming some living space, I found some things that I had misplaced.  Plus there simply isn't anything that makes me feel more organized than to have clear work areas.

So the bonuses of having my daughter and her friend visit this weekend are many - chatting into the wee hours of the morning, going to the farmer's market, walking on my beach, hiking to Iceberg Point, cooking together, simply enjoying each others company, and - oh yes - showing off my baskets and work in a clean studio!!!

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