Friday, July 19, 2013

Asking for Help

I was just talking with a friend about some of the lessons we learn from having an injury.  One of the big ones for me was having to ask for help.  Having survived being "Super Mom" for so many years (and yes, I actually dressed up as such for one Halloween), I thought I was doing so much better, only to confront the issue up close and personal when I broke my leg so badly.

Synchronicity in life always makes me pause and reflect that the universe just may be trying to tell me something.  This morning, the following blog appeared in my inbox.

It included the following list:
Ask yourself, “What is it about asking for help that holds me back?”
Which one(s) below resonates with you?
  1. “I don’t want to be a burden on them.”
  2. “If I ask for help, it’s being selfish.”
  3. “I feel obligated to help them in return.”
  4. “I’m not that important.”
  5. “I don’t want people to know how bad it is.”
  6. “I feel they have better things to do than to help me.”
  7. “I don’t want to come across that I can’t handle x, y, z…”
  8. “I don’t want to appear weak.”
  9. “I don’t want to be perceived as ‘failing.’”
  10. “I don’t have the time to find or look for help.”
And in the spirit of being completely honest and open, numbers 1 and 9 resonate the most strongly with me, with 7 and 8 close runners-up.

So.....evidently I still have some lessons to learn in this area.  And I'm REALLY interested in learning them, so I don't have to have another accident to help me on my path to learning! (And yes, there have been numerous other lessons, such as empathy and really seeing other people.)

One might come to the conclusion that all of life is really an opportunity for learning???Why Do We Not Ask For Help?

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