Monday, November 19, 2012

The History of the Twinkie

Hostess Brands, the makers of Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Hostess Cupcakes, and Wonder Bread is going out of business (see full story:  It really is a departure of an era for those of us labeled Baby Boomers....we grew up with Hostess products.  We tried to buy one last Twinkie to toast it's passing, but there were none to be found on the island (guess we weren't the only ones wanting to have one last taste)! Actually, then I checked ebay - and yes, there are many boxes offered there to the highest bidder. So in tribute to Hostess and fond memories of our childhood treats, may I present (with an addendum of it's sad demise in 2012):

The History of The Twinkie

1933 - Twinkies were introduced by The Continental Baking Company in Indianapolis, which also made "Wonder Bread" and had a snack line your probably familiar with called Hostess. One of their bakers named James A. Dewar got the idea for the "Twinkie" while he delivered one of their products, a cream filled strawberry shortcake. The machines to make these sat idle when the strawberry season was over so he came up with an idea to use them to make a snack cake filled with a banana filling, and only charge a nickel for a package of 2. It was good idea as money was tight for people during the great depression.

Dewar came up with this name when driving by a billboard that had an ad for shoes from the "Twinkle Toe Shoe Company". He shortened the name to ....Twinkies....


Just like the song went "Yes We Have No Banana's " popular during the WWII because bananas were rationed, Hostess had to come up with a different filling.
They switched to vanilla creme and it was popular so they never changed back.
The Twinkie rose to popularity in the '50's in great part due to Hostess sponsoring the Howdy Doody show, featuring the twinkie.

During the 60's when there were huge fears of a nuclear attack, Many bomb shelters were built. Twinkees were one of the most popular items to have because it was said that they "stay fresh forever".

It has become an American Icon, even president Clinton put one in a time capsule.

They remain as Hostess best selling snack cake producing half a billion a year!

With excerpts from The History of Food, by Chef Stephen Holloway

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